Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections [...]
- Sygnatura : Cz 21826
- Tytuł : Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections [...]
- Uwagi : ang.
- Hasła przedmiotowe : Smithsonian Institution (Washington)
- M 0928:
- Cz 21826
- Cz--21826-1934/1
- Cz--21826-1934/16
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- Cz--21826-1935/1
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- Cz--21826-1938/29
- Cz--21826-1940/30
- Cz--21826-1940/31
- Autor (Twórca):
- Abbot C. G.
- Abbot C.G.
- Aldrich L. B.
- Anderson W. H.
- Bartsch P.
- Bassler R. S.
- Blackwelder R. E.
- Buchanan L. L.
- Burkholder P. R.
- Bushnell D. I., Jr.
- Butler C. P.
- Calderon G. D. Vra
- Canu F.
- Chapin E. A.
- Clark A. H.
- Cochran D. M.
- Coomaswamy A. K.
- Corchan D. M.
- Emmart E. W.
- Flint L.H.
- Gates G. E.
- Godard R. H.
- Harrington J. P.
- Hoover W. H.
- Hrdlička A.
- Johnston E. S.
- Karrer E.
- Maxon W. R.
- Mcalister E.D.
- McAlister E. D.
- Mc Alister E. D.
- Meier F. E.
- Mozley A.
- Randers-Pherson N. H.
- Reeser Ch. E.
- Resser Ch. E.
- Roberts F. H. H., Jr.
- Sanford F.
- Schmitt W. L.
- Snodgrass R.E.
- Snodgrass R. E.
- Strong W. D.
- Walker W. M.
- Wetmore A.
- Wilson Ch. B.
- Wright W. H.
- Tytuł/nazwa obiektu :
- Indeks instytucji : Smithsonian Institution (Washington)
- Język: ang.
- Osoby :
- Abbot C. G.
- Abbot C.G.
- Aldrich L. B.
- Anderson W. H.
- Bartsch P.
- Bassler R. S.
- Blackwelder R. E.
- Buchanan L. L.
- Burkholder P. R.
- Bushnell D. I., Jr.
- Butler C. P.
- Calderon G. D. Vra
- Canu F.
- Chapin E. A.
- Clark A. H.
- Cochran D. M.
- Coomaswamy A. K.
- Corchan D. M.
- Emmart E. W.
- Flint L.H.
- Gates G. E.
- Godard R. H.
- Harrington J. P.
- Hoover W. H.
- Hrdlička A.
- Johnston E. S.
- Karrer E.
- Maxon W. R.
- Mcalister E.D.
- McAlister E. D.
- Mc Alister E. D.
- Meier F. E.
- Mozley A.
- Randers-Pherson N. H.
- Reeser Ch. E.
- Resser Ch. E.
- Roberts F. H. H., Jr.
- Sanford F.
- Schmitt W. L.
- Snodgrass R.E.
- Snodgrass R. E.
- Strong W. D.
- Walker W. M.
- Wetmore A.
- Wilson Ch. B.
- Wright W. H.
- Indeks rzeczowy : Smithsonian Institution (Washington)
- Tytuł zeszytu:
- A
- abdominal mechanism of a grasshopper [...]
- Additional information on the Folsom Complex [...]
- Aerial fertilization of wheat plants with carbon-dioxide gas [...]
- An
- Archeological investigations in the Bay Islands, Spanish Honduras [...]
- Bollmania Litura, a new species of Goby [...]
- Caddo burial sites at Natchitoches, Louisiana [...]
- Christiansen light filter: its advantages and limitations [...]
- classification of the Edrioasteroidea [...]
- Colonial formation of unicellular green algae under various light conditions [...]
- comparative study of the labium of coleopterus larvae [...]
- Concerning the Badianus manuscripy, an Aztec Herbal, "Codex Barberini, Latin 241" [...]
- Cycles in tree-ring widths [...]
- Darker Side of Dawn [...]
- dependence of carbon dioxide assimilation in a higher plant on wave lenght of radiation [...]
- dependence of terrestial temperatures on the variations of the Sun's radiations [...]
- Ear exostoses [...]
- effect of ultraviolet radiation on the ova of the ascarid roundworms Toxocara canis [...]
- effects of intensities and wave lengths of light on unicellural green algae [...]
- Folsom complex. Preliminary report on investigations at the Lindenmeier Site in Northern Colorado [...]
- Four new brittlestars from Puerto Rico [...]
- Fourteen new species of foraminifera [...]
- Further evidence on the dependence of terrestrial temperatures on the variations of solar radiation [...]
- genus Panscopus schoenherr Coleoptera [...]
- goldbanded skipper [...]
- Growth of a green alga in isolated wave-lenght regions [...]
- harpetological collections from the West Indies made by dr Paul Bartsch [...]
- hypotrochanteric fossa of the femur [...]
- Inactivation of plant growth substance by light [...]
- Influence of planetary configurations upon the frequency of visible Sun spots [...]
- introduction to Nebraska archeology [...]
- Lethal effect of short wave lenghts of the ultraviolet on the alga Chlorella vulgaris [...]
- Lethal response of the alga Chlorella vulgaris to ultra-violet rays [...]
- Liquid-propellant rocket development [...]
- Manahoac tribes in Virginia, 1608 [...]
- Melanesians and Australians and the peopling of America [...]
- Molluscan intermediate hosts of the Asiatic blood fluke, Schistostoma Japonicum and species confused them [...]
- Morphology of the coleopterus family Staphylinidae [...]
- Morphology of the insrct abdomen. Part 3 [...]
- Mount St. Katherine, an excellent solar-radiation station [...]
- Mud shrimps of the Atlantic coast of North America [...]
- new actinian [...]
- new and important Coccpod habitat [...]
- new Cornucopina (Bryozoa) from the West Indies [...]
- New earthworms from China , with notes on the synonymy of some Chinese species [...]
- New fresh-water mollusks from Northern Asia [...]
- new genus and species of eel from the Puerto Rican deep [...]
- new genus of brittlestars from Puerto Rico [...]
- new genus of opisthognathid fishes [...]
- new genus of starfishes from Puerto Rico [...]
- New marine mollusks [...]
- New monogenetic trematodes from marine fishes [...]
- new original version of Boscana's historical account of the San Huan Capistrano Indians [...]
- New parasitic copepods [...]
- new race of the song sparrow from the Appalachian region [...]
- New species of AmericanEdrioasteroidea [...]
- new species of deep-sea fish Argyropelecus Antrorsospinus [...]
- New species of hydroids from the Puerto Rican region [...]
- New species of mysidacid crustaceans [...]
- New species of tertiary cheilostome bryozoa from Victoria, Australia [...]
- New spongs from the Puerto Rican Deep [...]
- new starfish from Puerto Rico [...]
- Nomenclature of some Cambrian Trilobites [...]
- Observing the Sun at 19.300 feet altitude, Mount Auconquilcha, Chile [...]
- On the corrections to be applied to silver-disk pyrheliometry [...]
- Phototropic sensitivity in relation to wave length [...]
- Pioneer wind tunnels [...]
- Preliminary observations on growth and phototropie response of oat seedlings [...]
- Recent discoveries of Cambrian beds in the Northwestern United States [...]
- Remarkable lightning photographe [...]
- Reports on the collections [...] Carlgren O., A
- Reports on the collections [...] Clark A. H.,
- Reports on the collections [...] Clark A. H., A
- Reports on the collections [...] Corea L. F.,
- Reports on the collections [...] Cushman J. A.,
- Reports on the collections [...] Fraser C. M.,
- Reports on the collections [...] Ginsburg I.,
- Reports on the collections [...] Lalicker C. G.,
- Reports on the collections [...] Laubenfels M. W., de,
- Reports on the collections [...] Myers G. S., A
- Reports on the collections [...] Osburn R. C., A
- Reports on the collections [...] Price E. W.,
- Reports on the collections [...] Reid E. D., A
- Reports on the collections [...] Reid E. D., Two new congrid eels and new flatfish [...]
- Reports on the collections [...] Schultz L. P., a
- Reports on the collections [...] Shoemaker C. R.,
- Reports on the collections [...] Tattersall W. M.,
- Reports on the collections [...] Wilson Ch. B.,
- Review of the genus Chalaenobia Blanchard [...]
- Samuel Pierpont Langley [...]
- Second contribution trilobites [...]
- [seventeen] century letter of Gabriel Diaz Vara Calderon, bishop of Cuba [...]
- skeletal musculature of the blue crab [...]
- Solar radiation and weather studies [...]
- standard scale of solar radiation [...]
- The
- Third contribution to nomenclature of Cambrian trilobites [...]
- Thomas Lincoln Casey and the Casey Collection of Coleoptera [...]
- Thomas walter, botanist [...]
- Three new amphipods [...]
- Time course of photosynthesis for a higher plant [...]
- Two new foraminifera of the genus Textularia [...]
- Two original photographic negatives of Abraham Lincoln [...]
- Wave lenghts of radiation in the visible spectrum inhabiting the germination of light sensotive lettuce seed [...]
To be able to borrow a book, you must have a reader card
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 94, 1935, nr 14
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 94, 1935, nr 10
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 92, 1934, nr 8
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 92, 1934, nr 3
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1936, nr 17
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1936, nr 16
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 92, 1934, nr 6
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 92, 1934, nr 7
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 92, 1934, nr 5
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 92, 1934, nr 4
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 92, 1934, nr 13
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 94, 1935, nr 7
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 94, 1935, nr 6
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 94, 1935, nr 5
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 94, 1935, nr 4
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 94, 1935, nr 3
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 94, 1935, nr 2
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 93, 1935, nr 9
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 93, 1934, nr 1
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 91, 1934, nr 15
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 91, 1934, nr 12
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 91, 1934, nr 13
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 91, 1934, nr 14
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 92, 1934, nr 10
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 92, 1934, nr 11
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 92, 1934, nr 12
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1936, nr 8
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 92, 1934, nr 2
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 94, 1935, nr 9
- Signature: Cz 21826
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 94, 1935, nr 8
- Signature: Cz--21826-1934/1
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 92, 1934, nr 1
- Signature: Cz--21826-1934/16
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 91, 1934, nr 16
- Signature: Cz--21826-1934/17
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 91, 1934, nr 17
- Signature: Cz--21826-1934/18
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 91, 1934, nr 18
- Signature: Cz--21826-1935/1
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 94, 1935, nr 1
- Signature: Cz--21826-1935/2
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 93, 1935, nr 2
- Signature: Cz--21826-1935/3
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 93, 1935, nr 3
- Signature: Cz--21826-1935/4
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 93, 1935, nr 4
- Signature: Cz--21826-1935/5
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 93, 1935, nr 5
- Signature: Cz--21826-1935/6
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 93, 1935, nr 6
- Signature: Cz--21826-1935/7
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 93, 1935, nr 7
- Signature: Cz--21826-1935/8
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 93, 1935, nr 8
- Signature: Cz--21826-1935/9
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 92, 1935, nr 9
- Signature: Cz--21826-1935/10
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 93, 1935, nr 10
- Signature: Cz--21826-1935/11
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 94, 1935, nr 11
- Signature: Cz--21826-1935/12
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 94, 1935, nr 12
- Signature: Cz--21826-1935/13
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 94, 1935, nr 13
- Signature: Cz--21826-1935/14
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 92, 1935, nr 14
- Signature: Cz--21826-1935/15
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 94, 1935, nr 15
- Signature: Cz--21826-1935/19
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 91, 1935, nr 19
- Signature: Cz--21826-1935/20
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 91, 1935, nr 20
- Signature: Cz--21826-1935/21
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 91, 1935, nr 21
- Signature: Cz--21826-1935/22
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 91, 1935, nr 22
- Signature: Cz--21826-1935/23
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 91, 1935, nr 23
- Signature: Cz--21826-1936/1
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1936, nr 1
- Signature: Cz--21826-1936/2
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1936, nr 2
- Signature: Cz--21826-1936/3
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1936, nr 3
- Signature: Cz--21826-1936/4
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1936, nr 4
- Signature: Cz--21826-1936/5
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1936, nr 5
- Signature: Cz--21826-1936/6
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1936, nr 6
- Signature: Cz--21826-1936/7
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1936, nr 7
- Signature: Cz--21826-1936/9
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1936, nr 9
- Signature: Cz--21826-1936/10
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1936, nr 10
- Signature: Cz--21826-1936/11
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1936, nr 11
- Signature: Cz--21826-1936/12
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1936, nr 12
- Signature: Cz--21826-1936/13
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1936, nr 13
- Signature: Cz--21826-1936/14
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1936, nr 14
- Signature: Cz--21826-1936/15
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1936, nr 15
- Signature: Cz--21826-1936/16
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 94, 1936, nr 16
- Signature: Cz--21826-1936/17
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 94, 1936, nr 17
- Signature: Cz--21826-1936/18
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1936, nr 18
- Signature: Cz--21826-1936/19
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1936, nr 19
- Signature: Cz--21826-1936/24
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 91, 1936, nr 24
- Signature: Cz--21826-1937/20
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1937, nr 20
- Signature: Cz--21826-1937/21
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1937, nr 21
- Signature: Cz--21826-1937/22
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1937, nr 22
- Signature: Cz--21826-1937/23
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1937, nr 23
- Signature: Cz--21826-1937/24
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 95, 1937, nr 24
- Signature: Cz--21826-1937/25
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 91, 1937, nr 25
- Signature: Cz--21826-1937/26
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 91, 1937, nr 26
- Signature: Cz--21826-1937/27
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 91, 1937, nr 27
- Signature: Cz--21826-1937/28
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 91, 1937, nr 28
- Signature: Cz--21826-1938/29
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 91, 1938, nr 29
- Signature: Cz--21826-1940/30
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 91, 1940, nr 30
- Signature: Cz--21826-1940/31
- Copy location: Magazyn Druków Nowych
- Numery: Vol. 91, 1940, nr 31