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MiniatureTitleAutor (Twórca) ▼ (descending)Library catalogData
No thumbnailA narrative of recent occurrences in Posen : Accompanied by official documents, letters from an English lady resident in Posen, transmitted through Dr. Whately, archbishop of Dublin and a report of the discussion in the House of Lords on Lord Kinnaird motion.Kinnaird, George William Fox (1807-1878); Whately, Richard (1787-1863).Nowe Druki1848.
No thumbnailSpeech of lord Dudley Stuart in the House of Commons, on the 16th of May, 1848 : with official and other documents relating to the insurrection in Posen, and the bombardment of Cracow.Stuart, Dudley Coutts (1803-1854).Nowe Druki1848.
No thumbnailAddress of the Literary Association of the Friends of Poland to the people of Great Britain and Ireland /Stuart, Dudley Coutts (1803-1854).Nowe Druki1846.
No thumbnailAddress of the Literary Association of the Friends of Poland to the Poles /Stuart, Dudley Coutts (1803-1854).Nowe Druki1850
No thumbnailDebate in the House of Commons on Mr. Gally Knight's : motion for the production of certain ukases issued by the Russian Government, relating to the administration of Poland, June 30th 1842.Nowe Druki1842.