Select: A narrative of recent occurrences in Posen : Accompanied by official documents, letters from an English lady resident in Posen, transmitted through Dr. Whately, archbishop of Dublin and a report of the discussion in the House of Lords on Lord Kinnaird motion.
No thumbnail A narrative of recent occurrences in Posen : Accompanied by official documents, letters from an English lady resident in Posen, transmitted through Dr. Whately, archbishop of Dublin and a report of the discussion in the House of Lords on Lord Kinnaird motion. Kinnaird, George William Fox (1807-1878); Whately, Richard (1787-1863). Nowe Druki 1848. Select: Speech of lord Dudley Stuart in the House of Commons, on the 16th of May, 1848 : with official and other documents relating to the insurrection in Posen, and the bombardment of Cracow.
No thumbnail Speech of lord Dudley Stuart in the House of Commons, on the 16th of May, 1848 : with official and other documents relating to the insurrection in Posen, and the bombardment of Cracow. Stuart, Dudley Coutts (1803-1854). Nowe Druki 1848. Select: Address of the Literary Association of the Friends of Poland to the people of Great Britain and Ireland /
No thumbnail Address of the Literary Association of the Friends of Poland to the people of Great Britain and Ireland / Stuart, Dudley Coutts (1803-1854). Nowe Druki 1846. Select: Address of the Literary Association of the Friends of Poland to the Poles /
No thumbnail Address of the Literary Association of the Friends of Poland to the Poles / Stuart, Dudley Coutts (1803-1854). Nowe Druki 1850 Select: Debate in the House of Commons on Mr. Gally Knight's : motion for the production of certain ukases issued by the Russian Government, relating to the administration of Poland, June 30th 1842.
No thumbnail Debate in the House of Commons on Mr. Gally Knight's : motion for the production of certain ukases issued by the Russian Government, relating to the administration of Poland, June 30th 1842. Nowe Druki 1842.