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No thumbnailAntichristi demonstratio, contra fabulas pontificias, et ineptam Roberti Bellarmini de Antichristo disputationem. Authore Roberto Abbatto.Abbatus Robertus zob. Abbot Robert; Abbot, Robert bp; Barker RobertStarodruki1603
No thumbnailholy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New. Newly Translated out of the Originall Tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised [...]. [Cz. 2]Barker RobertStarodruki1638
No thumbnailholy Bible containing the Olde Testament and the New Testament.Barker Robert; Bill JohnStarodruki1633
No thumbnailholy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New. Newly Translated out of the Originall Tongues: and with the former translations diligently compared and revised [...]. [Cz. 1]Barker RobertStarodruki1638