- Curiositäten der physisch-literarisch-artistisch-historischen Vor- und Mitwelt : 1
- Curiositates inauditae 1
- Curiositates nonnullae 1
- Curiosites de Londres et de ses environs 1
- Curiositez Fran~9coises, pour supplement aux 1
- Curiositez inouyes, Hoc est: 1
- curioso accidente, commedia del [...] Goldoni [...]. A norma dell'edizione di Venezia. 1
- curiosum in quo primaria hujus saeculi inventa et experimenta physico-mathematica [...] spectanda oculis subjecit [...] Ioannes Christophorus Sturmius. 1
- curiosum tranzakcji wielkoruskiej. 1
- curious remarks on the accounts given by Tavernier, sir John Chardin and other writers [...]. 1
- Curlaendische 1
- Curlaendische Kirchen-Geschichte, von dem Zustande dieser Provincial-Kirche, bis zum Ableben Gotthards, ersten Herzogs zu Curland, nebst der gegenwaertigen aeusserlichen kirchlichen Verfassung dieses Herzogthums [...]. 1
- Curlandiae desriptio emendata per F[redericum] de Wit. 1
- Curlandiae Ducatus cum insulis adjacentib. mappa geographica exhibiti per Tob. Conr. Lotter. Abraham Drentwet lunior del. 1
- Currado, Francesco (1570-1661) "Joanna d'Arc" 1
- Currenda - zawiadamia o posiedzeniu Koła z podpisami członków 1882 1
- Current National Bibliographies / 1
- Current national bibliography of the USSR. 1
- Current problems of slavic dialectology : the studies of Dialectological Committee at the International Committee of Slavists. 1
- Current state of and changes in the natural environment of the Wielkopolska National Park 1
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