- Romanarum Historiarum Libri XXV. Ex Guilielmi Xylandri interpretatione. 1
- Romance du Rosier 1
- romance of a Medici Warior : being the true story of Giovanni delle Bande Nere, to which is added the life of his son, Cosimo I., Grand Duke of Tuscany : a study in heredity / 1
- Romance of archeology. 1
- Romance. 1
- Romancero / 1
- Romancero aux etoiles 1
- Romancero pod gwiazdami : opowieści / 1
- Romane 2
- Romane 1 1
- Romane 2 1
- Romane etc. 1
- romane Thomas Manns : Versuch einer Deutung / 1
- Romane und Novellen. Bd. 1 / 1
- Romane und Novellen. Bd. 2 / 1
- Romanen om Olof 2
- Romanesque art - Romanticism art 1
- romanesques : comèdie en trois actes en vers / 1
- Romani Imperii qua Oriens est Descriptio Geographica / 1
- Romani pars occidentalis. 1
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