- Scientia reatus et solertia praepositi 1
- Scientia Sanctorum nosse mori pauculis praeceptis comprehensa, per virtutum praecipuarum exercitium breviter digesta, Omnibus vitae bonae Studiosis, et mortis bonae cupidis proposita. A quodam Societatis Jesu Sacerdote. Iuxta exemplar Lugduni editum Anno 1656. [...]. 1
- Scientia sanctorum nosse mori pauculis praeceptis comprehensa, per virtutum praecipuarum exercitium olim breviter digesta a quodam Patre Societatis Jesu. 1
- Scientia Sinica 1
- Scientia w ujęciu Rogera Bacona / 1
- Scientiarum decor : cmentarz Rakowicki w tradycji Polskiej Akademii Umiejętności / 1
- scientias et artes a [...] Ismaele Bullialdo digestus. Nunc vero editus a Josepho Quesnel [...]. 1
- Scientific dialogues intended for the instruction and entertainment of young people : in which the first principles of natural and experimental philosophy are fully explained / 1
- Scientific dialogues intended for the instruction and entertainment of young people. vol. 1, of mechanics / 1
- Scientific dialogues intended for the instruction and entertainment of young people. vol. 2, of astronomy / 1
- Scientific dialogues intended for the instruction and entertainment of young people. vol. 3, of hydrostatics / 1
- Scientific dialogues intended for the instruction and entertainment of young people. vol. 4, of pneumatics / 1
- Scientific dialogues intended for the instruction and entertainment of young people. vol. 6, of electricity / 1
- Scientific dialogues intended for the instruction and entertainment of young people. vol. 7, A companion to the scientific dialogues or the tutors assistant and pupul's manual in natural and experimental philosophy / 1
- Scientific knowledge and common knowledge / 1
- Scientific libraries in Lublin 1
- Scientific Periodical Corporation. Catalogue 1
- Scientific revolution : 1500-1800 : the formation of the modern scientific attitude 1
- Scientificae et didascalicae reminiscentiae 1
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