- Supplement instructiey posłom woyskowym W. X. L od woyska dany y przesłany z Kobrynia 1662 1
- Supplement katalogu Piotra Dufoura 1
- Supplement katalogu roku 1781 y 1782 1
- Supplement konfederacyi pod Unieiowem 1703 1
- Supplement litteraire nr 1-5 1
- Supplement Nr 2, to 2
- Supplement Nr 3, to 1
- Supplement praw y wolności dissidentów w nabożenstwie chrześciańskim, w Królestwie Polskim y Wielkim Xięstwie Litewskim z rożnych authentikow przydany roku 1718. 1
- Supplement praw y wolnosci dissidentow w nabozenstwie chrzescianskim, w Krolestwie Polskim y Wielkim Xięstwie Litewskim. Zrożnych [!] authentikow przydany roku 1718. 1
- supplement presente à la Societe Royale et donnant la nouvelle theorie des fluides comme preparation à la 1
- Supplement to 2
- Supplement to "Problems of Christian Marriage" [...] 1
- Supplement to A long-range forecast of United States Precipitation (Smithsonian Publication 4390) / 1
- Supplement to Chess Problems. Containing in Part I all the incorrect positions in "Chess Problems" [...] by J. a. W. T. Pierce and in Part II additional Problems [...] by James Pierse. 1
- Supplement to Hain's Repertorium Bibliographicum : or collections towards a new edition of that Work : in 2 pts.: the first containing nearly 7000 corrections of and and additions to the collations of works described or mentioned by Hain; the second, a list with numerous collations and bibliographical particulars of nearly 6000 volumes printed in the fifteenth century, not referred to by Hain. Part 1, Hain 1-16299 / 1
- Supplement to Hain's Repertorium Bibliographicum : or collections towards a new edition of that Work : in 2 pts.: the first containing nearly 7000 corrections of and and additions to the collations of works described or mentioned by Hain; the second, a list with numerous collations and bibliographical particulars of nearly 6000 volumes printed in the fifteenth century, not referred to by Hain. Part 2, Abano-Ovidius / 1
- Supplement to Hain's Repertorium Bibliographicum : or collections towards a new edition of that Work : in 2 pts.: the first containing nearly 7000 corrections of and and additions to the collations of works described or mentioned by Hain; the second, a list with numerous collations and bibliographical particulars of nearly 6000 volumes printed in the fifteenth century, not referred to by Hain. Part 2, Pablo-Zutphania / 1
- Supplement to Hain's Repertorium Bibliographicum : or collections towards a new edition of that Work : in 2 pts.: the first containing nearly 7000 corrections of and and additions to the collations of works described or mentioned by Hain; the second, a list with numerous collations and bibliographical particulars of nearly 6000 volumes printed in the fifteenth century, not referred to by Hain. vol. 1, Abano-Ovidius / 1
- Supplement to Hain's Repertorium Bibliographicum : or collections towards a new edition of that Work : in 2 pts.: the first containing nearly 7000 corrections of and and additions to the collations of works described or mentioned by Hain; the second, a list with numerous collations and bibliographical particulars of nearly 6000 volumes printed in the fifteenth century, not referred to by Hain. vol. 2, Pablo-Zutphania / 1
- Supplement to Index (32573). Cleveland January 1. 1891 M. S. Nachtrag zu Mr. White's Catalog von 1886. 1
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