- Analysis of the Chess Ending, King and Queen against King and Rook by "Euclid". Edited by [...]. 1
- Analysis of the game of Chess / 2
- Analysis of the game of chess by A. D. Philidor [...] with critical Remarks and Notes by the author of the Stratagems of Chess. Translated from the last French Edition [...] by W. S. Kenny [...]. 2
- Analysis of the game of chess translated from the french of A. D. Philidor [...]. 1
- Analysis of the game of Chess. 2
- Analysis of the Muzio Gambit and match of two games at chess played between Madras and Hyderabad 1
- Analysis of the Openings by the late H. Staunton a new edition by R. B. Wormald. 1
- Analysis pacis Westphalicae [...] nec non recessu Imp. de a. 1654 [rz.] et capitulationibus [...] Collatio quam [...] adornavit Chr. Godofredus Hoffmannus [...]. 1
- Analysis typica Librorum Veteris Testamenti, poeticorum, nempe: Jobi, Psalmorum, Proverbiorum Salomonis, Ecclesiastis, Salomonis, Cantici Cantic. Salomonis: Propheticorum, Hoc est Prophetarum Majorum et Minorum; <vetuti pars altera ad analysin typicam librorum V. T. historicorum, per [...] Mosen Pflacherum olim institutam pertinens> [...] Oper~1a [...] Jacobi Brandmylleri [...]. 1
- Analysis Typica Omnium cum veteris, tum novi Testamenti Librorum Historicorum: ad intelligendam rerum seriem, & memoriam iuvandam accommodata. / 1
- Analysis typica omnium N.[ovi] T.[estamenti] Epistolarum Apostolicarum [...] necnon 2
- Analysis, czyli opisanie wód mineralnych w szczegulnosci [!] zaś Kozinskich w Krolestwie Polskim a to w powiecie Krzemienieckim woiewodztwa wołyńskiego znayduiących się. 1
- Analytica posteriora 1
- Analytica posteriora Aristotelis, cum textu et cum titulis quaestionum secundum Ioannem Versorem. 1
- Analytica priora 1
- Analytica priora (pol.) 1
- Analytical and classified Catalogue of the Library of the Parliament of Queensland / 1
- Analytical narrative of the events relating to the correspondence on the affairs of Persia and Affghanistan : followed by extracts from the orginal documents. 1
- Analytik~'a ~'ystera 1
- Analytik~'a priora 1
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