- Account of an expedition to the interior of New Holland. 1
- Account of Livonia; with a 1
- Account of Poland containing, a 1
- Account of Rhoda and Priscilla : two hindoo orphan girls. 1
- Account of the 3
- Account of the American Chess Congresses held since 1857, and the records of the Chess Tourneys of 1880 [...] edited by [...]. 1
- account of the Astrophysical Observatory of the Smithsonian Institution 1904-1953 / 1
- Account of the dinner, given to the Rt. Hon Lord Dudley Coutts Stuart, may 16 th, 1846, at willis's rooms, on the occasion of the presentation of a splendid piece of tapestry, worked by the ladies of Poland. 1
- account of the geography and governement of that country, and the customs and manners of its inhabitants. (S[tephen] J[ones]), [oprac.]. 1
- account of the late Chess Match between Mr. Howard Staunton and Mr. Lowe. 1
- Account of the Receipts and Disbursements of the Polish Society of Education Esthablised in Paris 1
- Account of the Smithsonian Institution : its Origin, History, Objects and Achievements. 1
- Accrementum nominis magni in decremento vitae [...] Josephi Wisniowski [...] dum ei, justa funebralia [...] omnium dolore persolverentur a [...] Samu~0ele Joanne Podgurski [...] dolenti penn~1a delineatum, ac [...] demonstratum anno [...] 1703; 15 Maj. 1
- Accrescens immortalis gloriae [...] Francisci Libowitz [...] ad lenimentum Pachrijmarum et aeternam tanti viri memoriam a [...] observatum. Anno [...] M DCC XXXIV die ultima mensis Augusti. 1
- accroissements pour les 1
- Accurata 1
- Accurata delineatio celeberrimae Regionis Ludovicianae vel Gallice Louisiane ol. Canadae et Floridae adpellatione in Septemtrionali America descriptae quae hodie nomine fluminis Mississippi vel St. Louis per colonias et navigationes Gallorum ob immensas opes et adfluentiam magis magisque inclarescit ex fide digniss. [...] 1
- Accuratae effigies pontificum maximorum numero XXVIII [...] iisque singulorum pontificum elogia, eorum 1
- Accurate 15
- Accurate Beschreibung der Stadt Wolau in Schlesien, in welcher von ihrer Benennung, Aufferbauung, Situation und andern darinnen zufindenden Denckw~:urdigkeiten aus alten Documenten und Uhrkunden [...] gehandelt wird, anitzo zum 2. mahl vermehrter herausgegeben von M. Christian Philipp K~:ollnern [...]. 1
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