- Accord de Potsdam : du 2 août 1945 / 1
- accord du piano mis à la partee de tout le monde / 1
- Accord, Wie derselbe durch Vermittelung des [...] F~:ursten [...] Johan[n] Georgen Hertzogen zu Sachsen, B~:ulich, Cleve und Berg [...] bef~:ordert, getroffen und geschlossen worden. 1
- accords de Locarno : expose fait par Edvard Beneš ministre des Affaires etrangères, le 30 octobre 1925, devant la Commission parlementaire permanente. 1
- Account of an expedition to the interior of New Holland. 1
- Account of Livonia; with a 1
- Account of Poland containing, a 1
- Account of Rhoda and Priscilla : two hindoo orphan girls. 1
- Account of the 3
- Account of the American Chess Congresses held since 1857, and the records of the Chess Tourneys of 1880 [...] edited by [...]. 1
- account of the Astrophysical Observatory of the Smithsonian Institution 1904-1953 / 1
- Account of the dinner, given to the Rt. Hon Lord Dudley Coutts Stuart, may 16 th, 1846, at willis's rooms, on the occasion of the presentation of a splendid piece of tapestry, worked by the ladies of Poland. 1
- account of the geography and governement of that country, and the customs and manners of its inhabitants. (S[tephen] J[ones]), [oprac.]. 1
- account of the late Chess Match between Mr. Howard Staunton and Mr. Lowe. 1
- Account of the Receipts and Disbursements of the Polish Society of Education Esthablised in Paris 1
- Account of the Smithsonian Institution : its Origin, History, Objects and Achievements. 1
- Accrementum nominis magni in decremento vitae [...] Josephi Wisniowski [...] dum ei, justa funebralia [...] omnium dolore persolverentur a [...] Samu~0ele Joanne Podgurski [...] dolenti penn~1a delineatum, ac [...] demonstratum anno [...] 1703; 15 Maj. 1
- Accrescens immortalis gloriae [...] Francisci Libowitz [...] ad lenimentum Pachrijmarum et aeternam tanti viri memoriam a [...] observatum. Anno [...] M DCC XXXIV die ultima mensis Augusti. 1
- accroissements pour les 1
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