- Addition a l'histoire de Louis XI [...]. 1
- Addition a l'historie de Louis XI [...] par Gabriel Naud~'e [...] sur l'imprim~'e a Paris Fr. Targa 1630 [rz.] 1
- addition au 1
- Addition aux Pens~'ees diverses, sur les cometes [...] 1
- Addition sur le passage de Mesdames ~'a Nancy, le 4 Juillet 1761 1
- Additional 1
- Additional data on the host relations of the parasitic cowbirds / 1
- Additiones ad eius Commentarios, De Arbitrarijs Iudicum. Adiecta Est Sexta Centuria, Cum Duplici Indice, Altero Argumentorum eiusdem Centuriae sextae; altero rerum sententiarumque insignium locupletissimo, & Superiorum licentia, quae versa pagina legitur. 1
- Additiones ad Georgi Adami Struvii [...] Jurisprudentiam Romamo-Germanicam in epitomen iuxta hodiernum usum redactam [...] opera L~:uderi Menckenii [...] Cum indice. 1
- Additiones ad Georgii Adami Struvii [...] Jurisprudentiam Romano Germanicam in epitomen juxta hodiernum usum redactam [...] opera [...] cum indice. 1
- Additions an Berar. 1
- Additions aux 1
- Additions to Chess and Draught Collection in 1892. 1
- Additions to mss. 1
- Additions to my Chess Collection since 9 last communicated the accesions. April 1888 1
- Address by Colonel Joseph Smoliński, of the City of Washington, D. C., representative of the Polish-American organizations in the United States, in the Pulaski monument movement. 1
- address delivered before the Philomathean Society of Mrs. Du Pre's female seminary, Charleston, S. C. On the evening of March the 29th, 1847 / 1
- address delivered on laying the corner stone of a monument to Pulaski, in the city of Savannah, october 11, 1853 : with an account of the ceremonies upon that occasion, and at the completion of the monument, January 8th, 1855 / 1
- Address of the Literary Association of the Friends of Poland to the people of Great Britain and Ireland / 1
- Address of the Literary Association of the Friends of Poland to the Poles / 1
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