- Aeschylos Werke. Bd. 5, Der Muttermörder / 1
- Aeschylos Werke. Bd. 6, Die Erinyen oder Rachegeister / 1
- Aeschylos Werke. Bd. 7, Die Danaiden / 1
- Aeschylos Werke. Bd. 8, Fragmente und Register / 1
- Aeschylou tragoidiai / 1
- Aesopi Phrygis 1
- Aesopi Phrygis et aliorum 1
- Aesopische 1
- Aesopus moralisatus, 1
- Aesthetic aspects of the literature of Polish, Belarusian and Lithuanian Tatars (from the 16th to the 21st century) 1
- Aesthetica perennis ? / 1
- Aesthetics in archaeology : anthropomorphization in prehistory and antiquity 1
- Aesthetics of "common sense"? 1
- Aesthetics of film / 1
- aesthetics of Senecan tragedy / 1
- Aestus 1
- Aestus Maris per Motum Luna 1
- Aestus Maris per Motum Lune 1
- Aetas ab origine conditae [...] regni scholae Universitatis Cracoviensis prope novies. quinquagenaria, IX [...] candidatis, per [...] Stanislaum Patelski [...] ad grad~2u[m] baccalaureat~1us AA. LL [artium liberalium] et philosophiae promotis; in memoriam revocata : et a Simone Bonaventura Banaczkowski [...] enumerata. Anno 1757 [chronogr.] die [...] 20 [...] maji. 1
- Aetas aurea 1
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