- An Vol. 2 / 1
- An voluntas libere amat Deum clare et intuitive visum 1
- An with an account of the ceremonies upon that occasion, and at the completion of the monument, January 8th, 1855 / 1
- An with illustrative engravings : to which is added an appendix, containing a short introduction to the natural arrangement of plants / 1
- an. 1828. Marie ou l'enfant de l'infortune". 2
- an. d. 1492. 1
- An~'enaki, 1
- anabaptismus [...] Johannis Wigandi [...] Septem Disputationibus in Athenaeo Gedanensi, ita excussus, ut primum parallelismus inter anabaptistas et hodiernos novatores, postea autem dissensus inter Hosce et Wigandum proponatur: cum appendice, lepidam descriptionem et divisionem pietistarum exhibente. 1
- Anabaptistes : histoire du lutheranisme, de l'anabaptisme et du règne de Jean Bockelsohn à Munster / 1
- Anabase. Liv. 1 / 1
- Anabase. Liv. 2 / 1
- Anabase. Liv. 3 / 1
- Anabase. Liv. 4 / 1
- Anabase. Liv. 5 / 1
- Anabase. Liv. 6 / 1
- Anabase. Liv. 7 / 1
- Anabasis : prace ofiarowane profesor Krystynie Pisarkowej / 1
- Anabasis / 1
- Anabasis of Xenophon : chifly according to the text of Hutchinson with explanatory notes and illustrations... / 1
- anacephalaeosis Hibernica, in qua de exordio seu 1
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