- analysin infinitorum. Auctore [...]. 2
- Analysis 1
- Analysis [...] by A.D. Philidor [...] with critical Remarks and Notes by the author of the Stratagems of Chess... 1
- Analysis des Unendlichen. Aus dem lateinischen ~:ubersetzt und mit Anmerkungen und Zus~:atzen begleitet von Joahnn Andreas Christian Michelsen [...]. 1
- Analysis des Unendlichen. Aus dem lateinischen ~:ubersetzt und mit Anmerkungen und Zus~:atzen begleitet von Johann Andreas Christian Michelsen [...]. 1
- Analysis eiusdem poematis XXIII tabulis comprehensa a M. Erasmo Schmidt [...]). 1
- Analysis Isagogica sev 2
- Analysis methodica iuris pontificii, qua [...] perspicue continetur quicquid in Decretalibus, Decretis, et toto iure Pontificio sparsim traditur [...] Auctore Daniele Venatorio [...]. 1
- Analysis Methodica Iuris Pontificii. Quas sub Titulis Decretalium Antiquarum Distinctis Quinque Libris Succincte & perspicue continetur, quicquid in decretalibus, decretis, & toto iure Pontificio sparsim traditur, adiectis singulis titulis proprijs axiomatibus & sententijs. Explicantur Etiam Plane Methodica Tractatione Omnia iudicia, tam civilia, quam criminalia, & processus iudiciarius ad usum fori accommodatus, accurate observatis discordantijs iuris Civilis & iuris Canonici / 1
- Analysis of all the recognised Openings [...] by an Amateur. 1
- Analysis of chess by Philidor [...]. 1
- Analysis of chess of [...] Philidor [...]. 1
- Analysis of Paley's principles of moral and political philosophy. 1
- analysis of the atmospheric trajectories of 413 precisely reduced photographic meteors / 1
- Analysis of the Chess Ending, King and Queen against King and Rook by "Euclid". Edited by [...]. 1
- Analysis of the game of Chess / 2
- Analysis of the game of chess by A. D. Philidor [...] with critical Remarks and Notes by the author of the Stratagems of Chess. Translated from the last French Edition [...] by W. S. Kenny [...]. 2
- Analysis of the game of chess translated from the french of A. D. Philidor [...]. 1
- Analysis of the game of Chess. 2
- Analysis of the Muzio Gambit and match of two games at chess played between Madras and Hyderabad 1
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