- Anthology of social and behavioural sciences : 20 years of co-operation between the Universities in Linköping and Gdańsk / 1
- Anthony Eden : kartki z dziejów dyplomacji brytyjskiej w latach trzydziestych - pięćdziesiątych XX w. / 1
- Anthony Theoloppe, Miss Yonge, Ch. Kingsley, Les Souvenirs d'un ecolier anglais, Conybeare 1
- Anthony van Dyck and the art of portraiture / 1
- Anthony van Dyck. 1
- Anthropogenic and natural changes of geographical environment in the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship : selected examples 1
- Anthropogenic and natural transformation of the vegetational landscapes of Poland's Mazowsze Region (from the turn of the 19th century to 1990 year). 1
- Anthropologia o własnościach człowieka fizycznych i moralnych / 1
- Anthropologias [gr.] sacrae in qua 3
- Anthropological Review 1
- anthropological study of human play / 1
- Anthropologie 1
- Anthropologie de la ville medievale / 1
- Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht abgefasst von Immanuel Kant. 3
- Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht, abgefasst von [...]. 1
- Anthropologie, hygiène individuelle, education physique / 1
- Anthropology : the study of man / 1
- Anti - maquignonage pour eviter la surprise dans l'emplette des chevaux [...] par [...]. 1
- Anti-Baillet ou critique du livre de M. Baillet intitul~'e Jugemens des savans. / 1
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