- Collections of music from the surroundings of Cracow 1
- Collections polonaises 3
- Collectior's guide to Third Reich militaria : detecting the fakes. 1
- Collectives in the Spanish Revolution 1
- Collectivisme : examen critique du nouveau socialisme : l'evolution du socialisme depuis 1895 : le syndicalisme / 1
- Collectivisme et l'evolution industrielle 1
- Collector at the Crossroads : Jan Działyński and the Kórnik Collection of Works of Art in the Second Half of the 19th Century 1
- Collector at the Crossroads : Jan Działyński and the Kórnik Collection of Works of Art in the Second Half of the 19th Century : an Exhibition between the Romantic Spirit of Patriotism and a Modern Scientific Approach / 1
- Collectors and Collections / 1
- Collectors' Encyclopedia of Antiques / 1
- Collegarum et discipulorum gratitudo : studia ofiarowane prof. Andrzejowi Radzimińskiemu z okazji 60. urodzin / 1
- College and Research Libraries 1
- college anthology of English literature / 1
- Collège de France (1530-1930) : livre jubilaire compose à l'occasion de son quatrième centenaire / 1
- College Heraldique et Archeologique de France : reorganisation et status (15 janvier 1864). 1
- Collège Saint-Joseph : Alost : prospectus. 1
- Collegiale de Mons et l'heritage du gothique : l'architecture, l'autel, l'art applique 1
- Collegii anti-Sociniani 154 [rz.], ante 12 [rz.] et qvod excurrit, annos, dissertationib[us] academicis absoluti. 1
- Collegii Conimbricensis 2
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