- Diagoras z Melos - prawda i legenda : przyczynek do historii antycznego ateizmu / 1
- Diagram exhibiting a view of nature in all climates, from the equator to the arctic circle, illustrating the astronomical and physical phenomena, and characteristic scenery of the different regions, with the principal forms of animal and vegetable life: the diagram likewise displays the grand cause of the diversity of climate, and is accompanied by a triangle and analemma, to show the sun's declination for every day in the year. In different latitudes are indicated the mean temperature, and length of day; and also in their respective latitudes are placed the principal mountains of the globe, with several of its chief cities and seats of commerce. On a sheet, six feet in length, full coloured, with triangle and explanatory notes / 1
- Diagram illustrating the theory of the seasons. 1
- Diagram of meteorology, displaying the various phenomena of the atmosphere. 1
- Diagrammata, hoc est 1
- Diagramme zur eine niederlandische Schachhandschrift des 15 Jhh. von Doctor Mauricius. 1
- Diagrams illustrating the sciences of astronomy and geography / 1
- Diakonat w Kościele starożytnym / 1
- Diakonia jako przedsiębiorstwo : o niektórych aspektach zarządzania w kościelnym obszarze non profit / 1
- Dialecte de Dushmani : description de l'un des parles de l'Albanie du nord / 1
- dialecti [...] universae Slavorum gentis. Studio et opera [...]. 1
- Dialectic[ae] et Rhetoric[ae] pr[ae]cepta / 1
- Dialectica 1
- Dialectica Ciceronis, quae disperse in scriptis reliquit, maxime ex Stoicorum sententia, cum Commentariis quibus ea partim supplentur, partim illustrantur [...] Adamus Bursius [...] composuit [...]. 1
- dialectica et analytica. 1
- Dialectica Ioannis Caesarii per qvaestiones in Compendium redacta / 1
- Dialecticae 1
- Dialecticae Compendium 1
- Dialecticae consyderationis libri sex, Aristotelici Organi summam, hoc est, totius Dialectices ab Aristotele tractatae complectentes, videlicet, De Praedicabilibus. De Praedicamentis. De Interpretatione, sive Enuntiatione. De Syllogismo. De locis Dialecticis. De locis Sophisticis. / 1
- Dialecticae et rhetoricae praecepta / 2
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