- Curlaendische Kirchen-Geschichte, von dem Zustande dieser Provincial-Kirche, bis zum Ableben Gotthards, ersten Herzogs zu Curland, nebst der gegenwaertigen aeusserlichen kirchlichen Verfassung dieses Herzogthums [...]. 1
- Curlandiae desriptio emendata per F[redericum] de Wit. 1
- Curlandiae Ducatus cum insulis adjacentib. mappa geographica exhibiti per Tob. Conr. Lotter. Abraham Drentwet lunior del. 1
- Currado, Francesco (1570-1661) "Joanna d'Arc" 1
- Currenda - zawiadamia o posiedzeniu Koła z podpisami członków 1882 1
- Current National Bibliographies / 1
- Current national bibliography of the USSR. 1
- Current problems of slavic dialectology : the studies of Dialectological Committee at the International Committee of Slavists. 1
- Current state of and changes in the natural environment of the Wielkopolska National Park 1
- Curriculum e bibliografia di Jan Władysław Woś / 1
- Curriculum vitae / 1
- Curriculum vitae Jędrzeja Giertycha. 1
- Curriculum vitae prof. dr Jana Władysława Wosia / 1
- Currus Israel, et aurigaejus [...] auctore [...]. 2
- curse of Babel address / 1
- Curso elemental de derecho de gentes. T. 2 / 1
- Curso mathematico ou exposiç~2ao methodica da arte de calcular : e dos conhecimentos que com ella tem immediata connex~2ao. Livr. 1, Historia da sciencia / 1
- Cursus albo 1
- Cursus biennalis studii canonici, sive 1
- Cursus Fluminis Padi vel Po per Longobardiam a fonte usque ad Ostia Cum. fluv. Tanaro, Doria, Sessia, Tesino, Adda, Oglio etc. ut et Statibus adjac. Pedemontÿ, Montisferr. Mediol. Mantuani, Parmensis, Ferrar. Dedicatus Clementi XI. Pontif. M. ab Ipsius Supr. Praef. Vigilum et Centur, Cohortis Praetoriae Augustino Cerruti [...] 1
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