- Gerichtsverfassung Polens von Kasimir dem Grossen bis Sigismund August: (1333-1572). T. 1 / 1
- Germaine / 1
- Germaine de Staël et George Sand en dialogue avec leurs consoeurs polonaises 1
- Germaine de Staël i George Sand w dialogu ze swoimi polskimi siostrami 1
- Germains et Slaves : origines et croyances / 1
- German : new order in Poland / 1
- German army and genocide : crimes against war prisoners, Jews, and other civilians in the East, 1939-1944 / 1
- German baroque drawings : loan exhibition from the collections of various museums in the Federal Republic of Germany organized by the Kunstmuseum in Düsseldorf. 1
- German cavalry & artillery swords 1742-1918 / 1
- German Colonization and Colonization on the German Law in the Mediaeval Bohemia and Moravia in the Light of Historiography. 1
- German Crimes in Poland. Vol. 1 / 1
- German Crimes in Poland. Vol. 2 / 1
- German destruction of culturale life of Poland. 1
- German Diplomatic Service, 1871-1914 / 1
- German economic policy in Poland. 1
- German exploitation of Polish forests. 1
- German failures in Poland : natural obstacles to nazi population policy / 1
- German Fifth Column in Poland. 1
- German ground forces, Poland and France : 1939-1940 / 1
- German illustrated broadsheet in the seventeenth century : historical and iconographical studies. 1, Text / 1
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