- Handatlas in 91 Haupt und 86 Nebenkarten, nebst vollständigem alphabetischem Namenverzeichnis. / 1
- Handatlas Karte und Bild / 1
- Handbibliothek in Handschriftenlesesälen : Überlegungen zu ihren Entstehung, Aufgabe und Benutzung : mit einem Modellvorschlag für die systematische Aufstellung / 1
- Handboek van het Schaakspel [...]. 1
- Handbook describing aids for cases of injuries or sudden illness / 1
- Handbook for field service / 1
- handbook for girl guides, or how girls can help build the empire / 1
- handbook for travellers in Central Italy including Lucca, Tuscany, Florence, the Marches, Umbria part of the patrimony of St. Peter, and the island of Sardinia / 1
- Handbook for travellers in Egypt : including descriptions of the course of the Nile through Egypt and Nubia, Alexandria, Cairo, the pyramids and Thebes, the Suez Canal, the peninsula of Mount Sinai, the oases, the fyoom, &c. / 1
- Handbook for travellers in Northern Italy : Comprising : Piedmont, Liguria, Lombardy, Venetia, Parma, Modena and Romagna / 1
- handbook for travellers in Southern Germany, being a guide to Würtemberg, Bavaria, Austria, Tyrol, Salzburg, Styria, the autrian and bavarian Alps / 1
- handbook for travellers in Southern Italy / 1
- handbook for travellers on the continent : Being a guide Holland, Belgium, Prussia, Northem Germany, and the Rhine from Holland to Switzerland / 1
- handbook of American library resources / 1
- Handbook of American Resources for African Studies / 1
- Handbook of Chess [...]. 4
- Handbook of geological terms : geology and physical geography / 1
- Handbook of major Soviet nationalities / 1
- Handbook of New South Wales : Containing general information for intending emigrants and others. 1
- Handbook of New Zealand : Sydney International Exhibition, 1879 : with maps and plates / 1
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