- In tempore belli et pacis : ludzie - miejsca - przedmioty : księga pamiątkowa dedykowana prof. dr. hab. Janowi Szymczakowi w 65-lecie urodzin i 40-lecie pracy naukowo-dydaktycznej / 1
- In terra / 1
- In tertio secundas 1
- In tertio secundas nuptias viri Nobilis, Spectatissimi, Integerrimiq[ue] Dn. Tobiae Sachtz [...] et [...] Mariae familia Kl~:arichin [...] Johan. Leonhardi Agricolae [...] relictae viduae; secund. sponsae [...] VII Id. Martias [...] [1642] [...] celebrandas votivae [...] acclamationes. 1
- In the borderland between Wielkopolska and Pomerania : the guidebook / 1
- In the circle of themes and literary forms : sketches on the works of Andrzej Kijowski. 1
- In the company of cheerful ladies / 1
- In the domain of history and the history of art 1
- In the fire of the Eastern front : the story of a Dutch Waffen-SS Volunteer, 1941-45, 1
- In the Library 1
- In the mirror of time 1
- In the search for methods and study areas : naming in the history of the Polish language. 1
- In the service of the grand khan : The life and travels of Marco Polo 1
- In the shadows of the imagination - the art of Alfred Kubin 1
- In the springtime of the year 1
- In the trades, the tropics, and the "Roaring Forties" : 14,000 Miles in the Sunbeam in 1883 / 1
- In the workshop of a Netherlandish master : Dutch and Flemish drawings from the collection of the National Museum in Warsaw. 1
- In the world of sacrum 1
- In theoremata clarissimi doctoris Egidii Romani De esse et essentia: brevis et dilucida expositio. 1
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