- India or Hindustan 1
- India Orientalis Batavorum Commerciis, Potentia et Coloniis celeberrima 1
- India Orientalis, cum adjacentibus Insulis Nova Delineatione [...] [ark. 47.] 1
- India Ptolemaei 1
- India yesterday and today 1
- Indian Empire. 1
- Indian frontier question : a speech delivered by the right hon. sir Henry Fowler, G.C.S.I., M.P. : at Wolverhampton, on November 20th, 1897. 1
- Indian Game of Chess by Sir William Jones [...], and the 1
- Indian mutinies. Stannard a. Dixon's panoramic view of the 1
- Indian müveszet Mexikótól Peruig, 1
- Indian mythology 1
- Indian philosophy 1
- Indian Reminiscensces or the 1
- Indian summer / 1
- Indian Summer of a Forsyte. 2
- Indiana, 1869 / 1
- Indianer Nordamerikas. 1
- Indianerbuch 1
- Indianie Ameryki Północnej : od początków po wiek XIX / 1
- Indianie USA : wojny indiańskie / 1
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