- Inquiry concerning beauty, order, harmony, design 1
- Inquiry into fruit growing conditions in the Dominion of Canada being the conclusions reached after a personal investigation / 1
- inquiry into the antient Greek game, supposed to have been invented by Palamedes, antecedent to the siege of Troy; with reasons for believing the same to have been known from remote antiquity in China, and progressively improved into the Chinese, Indian, Persian, and European chess : 1
- Inquiry into the meaning and relevance of the notion of natural law ... 1
- Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations. By [...]. 1
- Inquiry into the Origin of our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful. With an introductory discourse concerning taste, and several other additions. 1
- Inquisitio domorum hospitalis S. Johannis Hierosolimitani per pragensem archidioecesim facta anno 1373 : z rukopisu vatikanskeho / 1
- Inquisitio ex mandato Sacrae Regiae Maiestatis ratione clandestine ac violentae Christophori de Kalikstein Kalkstein per Eusebium Brandt electoris Brandenburgici agentem obductionis 1670 1
- Inquisitio in origines gentis Pomeranicae [...] praemittitur [...] denique 1
- inquisition fran~9coise ou l' 1
- inquisition medievale / 1
- Inquisition wider die in Stargard inhastirte R~:auber Bande [...]. 1
- Inquisition. 1
- Ins Licht gezeichnet : Scheibenrisse von Amman bis Füssli / 1
- Inscenizacja romantyczna we Francji / 1
- Inscenizacje pamięci / 1
- Inscenizacje staropolskiego dramatu religijnego / 1
- Inscenizacje, kolędy i wiersze na obchody bożonarodzeniowe 1
- Inschrift einer Posener Messingtaufschüssel / 1
- Inschriften aus Sirwah, Haulan. [Teil 1] / 1
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