- Library and information in the system of education 1
- Library and the publications of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts in the years 1952-1971 1
- Library and the world 1
- library atlas, fourteenth edition. 1
- Library of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw = Bibliothèque de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences, Varsovie / 1
- Library: a fragile history, 1
- Libre concours de l'homme. 1
- Libre de Sent Sovi : katalońska średniowieczna księga kucharska / 1
- libre pensee et le catholicisme / 1
- Libreria 1
- Libreria antiqaria di Gennaro Cioffi. 1
- Libretta literackie 1
- Libretta operowe : katalog / 1
- Libretto finansisty : wspomnienia 1881-1947 / 1
- Libretto i przekład / 1
- Libretto w operze XX i XXI wieku. 1
- Libri 1
- Libri antiquissimi civitatis Cracoviae saeculi decimi quarti 2
- Libri Apocalypseos S.[ancti] Johannis [...] conscripta [...] a [...]. 1
Wyświetlono rekordy 181661-181680 z 361724