- Migrant Echo 1
- Migration discourses in twenty-first-century Central European literature and culture 1
- Migration experience: intercultural and interdisciplinary perspectives. 1
- Migrationes, migratores et profugi ab XIX saeculo usque ad XXI - loci selecti in variis disciplinis investigandi. 1
- Migrations, Migrants and Refugees in 19th-21st Centuries in the Interdisciplinary Approach : selected topics / 1
- Migrations. 1
- Mihail Ivanovič Glinka : kratkij rekomendatel'nyj ukazatel' / 1
- Mihail Nikolaevič Tihomirov (1893-1965) / 1
- Mihail Pavlovič Alekseev / 1
- Mihal Kleofas Oginskij : politik, diplomat, ministr / 1
- Mihalon Litvin i ego traktat o pravah Tatar, Litovcev i Moskvitân serediny XVI v. / 1
- Mihas' Čarot : narys žyccâ ~0i tvorčasci / 1
- Mijające krajobrazy Polski : Świętokrzyskie / 1
- Mijający się w mroku ; Łabędzi śpiew / 1
- Mika Waltari: Sinuche egyptiern : utställning i Uppsala universitetsbibliotek i samarbete med Helsingfors universitetsbibliotek 16.11.1978-2.2.1980 : catalogue of the exhibition at the University Library of Uppsala ; 1
- Mikado oder ein Tag in Titipu : Burlesk-Operette in 2 Akten / 1
- Mikalojus Akelaitis = Mikaloûs Akelajtis / 1
- Mikaloûs Akelajtis 1
- Mikel'andželo : 1475-1564 / 1
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