- Narratio rerum, quae post obitum Alexii Mikalowicz, Russorum Imperatoris etc. gestae sunt Moscuae XI Kal. Octob. an. 1682 s. v. Missa ex urbe Moscua ad archiepiscopum Corinthi Franciscum Martelli Florentinum, nuntium apostolicum apud Joannem III, regem Poloniae / 1
- Narratio Simplex rei novae & eiusdem pessimi exempli: simul & querela de iniuriis, et expostulatio cum Orichovio Roxolano 1
- Narration / 1
- narration of the daily passages at the last and great treaty of pacification between those two Kingdomes concluded at Stumbsdorff in Prussia. Anno 1635 [...] faithfully couched by J. Fowler [...]. 1
- Narration, Rhetorik und Metatext in der "Cronica Principum Poloniae" / 1
- narratione [...] discursibus [...] et emblematis adornata [...] Auctore [...]. 1
- narratione historic~1a illustratae per Hubertum Goltzium. Accessit 1
- Narrationes quinquaginta. 1
- Narrationes. 1
- Narrations about Poland. 1
- Narrations d'Oma~:i insulaire de la Mer du Sud [...] Ouvrage traduit de l'O-Ta~:itien par M. K.*** et publie par le capitaine L. A. B. 4
- Narrative 1
- Narrative - Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 1
- Narrative of all the 1
- narrative of recent occurrences in Posen : Accompanied by official documents, letters from an English lady resident in Posen, transmitted through Dr. Whately, archbishop of Dublin and a report of the discussion in the House of Lords on Lord Kinnaird motion. 1
- Narrative of the arrest, trial and condemnation of colonel Türr : showing how Austria respects international law / 1
- Narratives and myth in tenth-century Germany 1
- Narrenschiff (niem.) 1
- Narrenschiff, 1
- Narrenturm / 1
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