- Narration / 1
- narration of the daily passages at the last and great treaty of pacification between those two Kingdomes concluded at Stumbsdorff in Prussia. Anno 1635 [...] faithfully couched by J. Fowler [...]. 1
- Narration, Rhetorik und Metatext in der "Cronica Principum Poloniae" / 1
- narratione [...] discursibus [...] et emblematis adornata [...] Auctore [...]. 1
- narratione historic~1a illustratae per Hubertum Goltzium. Accessit 1
- Narrationes quinquaginta. 1
- Narrationes. 1
- Narrations about Poland. 1
- Narrations d'Oma~:i insulaire de la Mer du Sud [...] Ouvrage traduit de l'O-Ta~:itien par M. K.*** et publie par le capitaine L. A. B. 4
- Narrative 1
- Narrative - Interdisciplinary Perspectives. 1
- Narrative of all the 1
- narrative of recent occurrences in Posen : Accompanied by official documents, letters from an English lady resident in Posen, transmitted through Dr. Whately, archbishop of Dublin and a report of the discussion in the House of Lords on Lord Kinnaird motion. 1
- Narrative of the arrest, trial and condemnation of colonel Türr : showing how Austria respects international law / 1
- Narratives and myth in tenth-century Germany 1
- Narrenschiff (niem.) 1
- Narrenschiff, 1
- Narrenturm / 1
- Narrenweisheit oder Tod und Verklärung des Jean-Jacques Rousseau 1
- Nartes, Traineaux et Fleches des Ostiacks 1
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