- Orientalista : życie fałszywego księcia: od rewolucji bolszewickiej do faszystowskich Włoch 1
- Orientalista / 1
- Orientalium expeditionum [...] historia [...] Tomus secundus. 1
- orientalium expeditionum et Regni Francorum Hierosolimitani historia a variis, (sed illius aevi scriptoribus, litteris commendata: 2
- Orientalizm / 1
- Orientalizm po rosyjsku : górale Kaukazu Północnego i pogranicze gruzińskie, 1845-1917 / 1
- Orientalizm Wacława Sieroszewskiego : wątki japońskie / 1
- Orientation religieuse de la France actuelle / 1
- Orientekspressen. 1
- Orients-Occidents : vingt-cinq siècles de guerres, 1
- Origen y reglas del ingenioso Juego Del Axedrez [...] su autor Pablo Minguet [i in.]. 1
- Origène / 1
- Origène, 1
- Origenis Adamantii, Eximii Scripturarum Interpretis, 1
- Origin and conditions of Teofila of Dzialynscy Szoldrska Potulicka's activity in Kornik manor 1
- Origin and Early History of Chess 1
- Origin and genesis of chess / 1
- origin and progress of the art of writing : a connected narrative of the development of the art, in its primeval phases in Egypt, China and Mexico ; its middle state in the cuneatic systems of Nineveh and Persepolis ; its introduction to Europe through the medium of the Hebrew, Phoenician, and Greek systems and its subsequent progress to the present day 1
- Origin and the beginning of the Pedagogical Institute in Katowice. 1
- Origin of Russia : (p. 556+XX) London 1954 / 1
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