- Poliniere, Pierre 2
- Poliński D. 1
- Poliński, Aleksander (1845-1916). 4
- Poliński, Dariusz (1964- ). 3
- Poliński, Edward [pseud.] zob. Gelberg, Andrzej 1
- Poliński, Józef (1828-1901) 1
- Poliński, Ludwik reformat 2
- Poliński, Michał Pełka (1784-1848) 5
- Poliński, Michał Pełka (1784-1848). 2
- POLIŠENSK~'Y, Josef (1915-2001). 1
- Polišensky, Josef (1915-2001). 1
- Polish Academy of Sciences 1
- Polish Academy of Sciences. 1
- Polish Academy of Sciences. Committee of the Science of Science 1
- Polish Academy of Sciences. Institut of Philosophy and Sociology 1
- Polish Academy of Sciences. Institute of the History Material Culture 1
- Polish Academy of Sciences. Poznań Branch ; Poznań Archaeological Museum 1
- Polish Economist 1
- Polish Freedom Fighters 1
- Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences 1
Wyświetlono rekordy 146421-146440 z 211935