- Political books, Carraig Books, 25 Newtown Avenue Blackrock co. Dublin Ireland, list 3004. 1
- Political books, Carraig Books, 25 Newtown Avenue Blackrock co. Dublin Ireland, list 3006. 1
- Political Brain, 1
- Political culture - historical culture / 1
- Political economy and capitalism / 1
- Political economy of growth 1
- Political history : principles and practice / 1
- political history of Poland / 1
- Political language and oratory in traditional society / 1
- Political opposition in Poland : 1954-1977 / 1
- Political parties : their organization and activity in the modern state / 1
- Political power / 1
- political role of the Danish monasteries in Pomerania 1171-1223 / 1
- Political Science / 1
- Political soldier : a statement 1
- politice tractata nunc Latinitate donata. 1
- Političeska geografiâ na srednovekovnata b"lgarska d"ržava. Č. 1, Ot 681 do 1018 g. / 1
- Političeskaâ bor'ba v Vengrii v načale XX v. / 1
- Političeskaâ děâtel'nost Petra Skargi : (istoričeskaâ monograf~0iâ / 1
- Političeskaâ èkonomiâ 2
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