- Polish painting from the Enlightenment to recent times / 1
- Polish painting in the Ewa and Wojtek Fibak collection : National Museum in Warsaw May 23-August 9, 1992, National Museum in Poznań August 22-October 25, 1992 1
- Polish paper money. 1
- Polish parish and parochial school in America : a study on the Polish community of south Chicago. 1
- Polish Parliament at the summit of its development (16th-17 th centuries] : anthologies / 1
- Polish parliamentarians in the Habsburg Monarchy 1848-1918 1
- Polish Perspectives : 1
- Polish pioneers of Pennsylvania / 1
- Polish political emigration in the United States 1831-1864 / 1
- Polish political literature in Silesia from the sixteenth century to the close of the eighteenth century 1
- Polish poster today 1
- Polish posters up to 1914 in the collection of the National Museum in Krakow 1
- Polish Presence in Canada and America / 1
- Polish Press Almanach 1
- Polish Press Information Bulletin 1
- Polish prisoners in Hitlerite Captivity 1
- Polish profile, 1
- Polish Protestants and the Huguenots / 1
- Polish question and panslavism 1
- Polish question and panslavism / 1
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