- Private Banking [...] 1
- private history of a Polish insurrection from official and unofficial sources. Vol. 1 / 1
- private history of a Polish insurrection from official and unofficial sources. Vol. 2 / 1
- Private libraries in collections of early printed books : studies 2
- Private lives of Albert Einstein 1
- Private lives of Kaiser William II and his consort. 1
- Private memoirs and confessions of a justified sinner written by himself 1
- Private world of Ottoman women 1
- private world of Pablo Picasso / 1
- Privatorum scriptorum fragmenta 1
- Privatschreiben, Ein 1
- Privaturkunden des Mittelalters. 1
- Privilege 1
- Privilege, avertissement, et plan, concernant la loterie a ~'etablir dans le Roiaume de Pologne, pour le soutien de deux fondations commenc~'ees a Varsovie, l'une d'une academie pour l'education de la jeune noblesse: et l'autre pour un hopital en faveur des Orphelins. 1
- Privileges / 1
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- privilegia ad missas et alia divina officia fratrum minorum observancie 1
- Privilegia aus denn Originalen an Tag gegeben von Andrea Gryphio. 1
- Privilegia Calvinistarum iterum edita. Quibus accessit Simoniani Rittingindoni [...] de iisdem 1
- Privilegia Casimiriana : przywileje króla Kazimierza IV Jagiellończyka dla Gdańska z okresu wojny trzynastoletniej / 1
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