- Près de Colette : Sidonie Gabrielle / 1
- Presa di Tarragona : poemetto à S. M. Napoleone il Grande, Imperatore de Francesi et Re d'Italia / 1
- Presbei peri christianou 1
- Presbeia peri christianōn (pol.) 1
- Presbyterologie des evangelischen Schlesiens. 12
- Presbytery Patricy Severienses 1
- Prescriptum instructionis ad Paulum Quintum Pontificem Maximum a Sigismundo III Joanni Kuczborski scolastico Gnesnensi 1607 1
- Prescriptum legationis ad Mariam Archiducissam Austriae Joanni de Ruscza castellano Biecensi 1605 1
- Prescriptum legationis Sigismundi III ad Joachimum Fridericum SRI electorem et archicamerarium 1606 1
- Presença da literatura portuguesa. 2, Era classica / 1
- Presença da literatura portuguesa. Simbolismo / 1
- Present
- Present and the past, 1
- Present day - youth - education 1
- Present sovietique et passe russe Contrepoint 1
- Present sovietique et passe russe. 1
- Present spirituel, a madame La Dauphine [...].
- present state and regulations of the Church of Russia. Establish'd by the late Tsar's royal edict [...] Translated from the originals in the Slavonian and Russian languages. With an accurate map of the Caspian See. And a preface to the whole, wherein is contained a full and genuine account of the rise and fall of prince Menshikoff. By [...]. 2
- Present state of music in Germany, the Netherlands, and United Provinces, or, The journal of a tour through those countries undertaken to collect materials for A general historyof music. 1
- present state of Russia, in a letter to a friend at London; written by an eminent person refiding at the Great Tzars court at Mosco for the space of nine years. Illustrated with many copper plates [...]. 1
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