- Reports of a Special Comittee on Breech-Loading Rifles, together with minutes of evidence, etc. etc. : presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of Her Majesty / 1
- Reports on Mathematical Logic 1
- Reports on Philosophy 1
- reports with forty-two games and the 1
- Reports. Officers and Commitees of the New Orleans Chess, Checkers and Whist Club for the year 1887-1888. 1
- Reports. Officers and Commitees of the New Orleans Chess, Checkers and Whist Club for the year 1888-1889. 1
- Reports. Officers and Commitees of the New Orleans Chess, Checkers and Whist Club for the year 1890-1891. 1
- repos de Cyrus ou l' 3
- repos de Saint-Marc : histoire de Venise pour les rares voyageurs qui se soucient encore de ses monuments / 1
- Repos, Le 3
- Repotia [...] novis coniugibus, D. Joanni de Bergamo Dzibony [...] et [...] Annae [...] Jacobi Dzianot [...] filiae. (Pro die nuptiarum 27. Mensis Januarij, anno [...] supra millesimum sexcentesimum trigesimo sexto, honoris ergo), celebrata a (Ioanne Trelpinski) [...]. 1
- Repraesentatio 1
- Repraesentatio juris clari ac liquidi qu~1o fas est [...] Electori Brandenburgico, possessionem pignoris [...] per [...] foedus [...] juratam in urbe [...] Elbinga constituti [...]. 1
- Repraesentation dess Verlauffs und Bewandniss der Investitur Sache, zwischen den Roem. K~:ayserl. [ Leopold I, cesarz rzymski narodu niemieckiego] und Koenigl. Schwedischen Mayt [Karol XI, król Szwecji] [...] biss hero tractiret, zu sambt denen dazu gehoerigen Actis und Uhrkunden. 1
- Repraesentationem hancce Circuli Saxonici Inferioris ad mentem Domini D. Büsching et ex novissimis ac praestantissimis Observationibus [...] 1
- Repraesentationes factae Comiti de Virmandt intuitu 1
- Representation de l'Inde au Comite Administratif de l'Organisation Internationale du Travail / 1
- Representation of India on the Governing Body of the International Labour Organisation 1
- representation proportionnelle en France et en Belgique / 1
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