- Rip van Winkle (ang.) 1
- Rip van Winkle and other stories / 1
- Ripault's Kurze Beschreibung der vornehmsten Denkmäler in Oberägypten nebst Erläuterugen über die Gemälde, womit sie verschönert sind und die zu Vermuthungen Anlass geben, welchen Gottheiten die Tempel geweihet waren / 1
- Riposta 2
- Riposta di Valentino Vespajo in defensa di dr. Pietro Carrera contra di Alessandro Salvio. In Catania nel Palazzo del Clarissimo Senato. Per Giovanni Rossi. 1635 1
- RIRE 1
- Rire : essai sur la signification du comique, 1
- Rire de l'ogre 1
- Rire et Galanterie 1
- RIS 2
- RIS Regionalny Informator "Solidarności" Śląsko-Dąbrowskiej 2
- Risalet ül-nefise el-cami a-l-ahval ül-millet ül-fransaviye ve usul üt-temdinat ül-insaniye. 1
- rise and fall of a palestinian dynasty : the Husaynis 1700-1948 / 1
- rise and fall of Nazi Germany / 1
- Rise and Fall of New Sweden : governor Johan Risingh's Journal 1654-1655 in its historical context / 1
- Rise and fall of Poland. An historical resume showing how Poland attained its frontiers of 1772; how it came to be dismembered, and what its position is under the present public law of Europe 1
- rise and fall of Sir Anthony Eden / 1
- rise and fall of the fine art print in eighteenth-century France / 1
- Rise and fall of the great powers 2
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