- Russia 1
- Russia : art, royalty and the Romanovs / 1
- Russia : the tsarist and soviet legacy, 1
- Russia (niem.) 1
- Russia / 1
- Russia and Europe or, the probable consequences of the present war / 1
- Russia and Poland during the present war / 1
- Russia in Europe and Poland 1
- Russia leaves the war 1
- Russia Mediaevalis. 1
- Russia Poloniae addita 1
- Russia Poloniae auxiliatrix. Dissertatio [...] praeside Henrico Godofredo Scheidemantel [...] die 22 [rz.] octobr. [...] 1768 [rz.] [...] eruditorum examini submittet Adamus Joannes Nottbeckius [...]. 1
- Russia seu 1
- Russia, Poland and Europe or the Inevitable Consequences of the Present war : a sequel to the pamphlet entitled "Russia and Europe" / 3
- Russia, Poland and the Jesuits or, the Roman Catholic conspiracy against the liberty of Europe examined / 1
- Russia. 1
- Russia's road to modernity / 1
- Russia's steppe frontier : the making of a colonial empire 1500-1800, 1
- Russiae & quae nunc eius metropolis est, Moscouiae, breuissima descriptio. Chorographia deniq[ue] totius imperij Moscici, & uicinorum quorundam mentio. De religione quoq[ue] uaria inserta sunt, & quae nostra cum religione non coueniunt. Quis deniq[ue] modus excipendi & tractandi Oratores, disseritur. Itineraria quoq[ue] duo in Moscouiam, sunt adiuncta. Ad haec, non solum nouae aliquot Tabulae, sed multa etiam alia nunc demum ab ipso autoree adiecta sunt: quae, si cui cum primaa editione conferre libeat, facile deprehendet. 1
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