- To all Catholics anxious and disturbed about the Church 1
- To appear in september contributions towards the early history of bookbinding at Oxford : [prospekt] / 1
- To Boże Pissmo Starego Testamenta, k~:otarez [...] pschestawił a dał schischc~5zasch Johann Friedrich Frizo [...]. 1
- To był też mój Poznań : wspomnienia architekta miejskiego z lat 1925-1939 / 1
- To była noc : wiersze i proza / 1
- To było tak... / 1
- To było życie..." : wspomnienia z Kazachstanu 1336-1996 / 1
- To co najcenniejsze / 1
- To co najważniejsze : trzy eseje o Polsce / 1
- To co prawdziwe o świcie / 1
- to co przy liturgiey kapłan, dyakon y chor wgłos tylko spiewaią [...] (tudzież 1
- To dziwne życie... / 1
- To eparchikon vivlion = Księga eparcha / 1
- To Gn~3oston Tu Theu id est 1
- To have and have not 2
- To have or to be, 1
- To her most gracious majesty Queen Victoria, and the Allied Armies of France and England this Military topographical map of the Krima Peninsula = Vojennaja topografičeskaja karta poluostrova Kryma, sostavlennaja [...] / 1
- To her most gracious majesty Queen Victoria, and the Allied Armies of France and England this Vojennaja topografičeskaja karta polustrova Kryma, sostavlennaja [...] / 1
- To His Excellency the Count of Czernihew Commander in Chief of Her Majesty the Empress of All the Russlas Fleet and Gallies Lieutenant General of her Armies, One of the Lords of Ber Admiralty, Ambasaddor Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to this Majesty the King of Great Britain a Knight of the Order of the White Eagle, and St. Ann, [et]c. [et]c. [et]c. This map of the Present Seat of War between the Russians, Poles, and Turks is Most Humbly Inscribed by his Excellency's Most Humble and Most Obde-t Serv-t Andrew Dury / 1
- To i owo z mojego życia / 1
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