- United States Census 1
- United States Chess Association. 3
- United States no 2. 1
- United States political system and how it works / 1
- United States, and Canada 1
- United States. 1
- Unites morphographicues des environs de Łódź 1
- Unitis viribus : diecezja podlaska w II Rzeczypospolitej / 1
- unity of Comte's life and doctrine, a replay to strictures on Comte's later writings, addressed to J. S. Mill / 1
- Unity or chaos : opening adress delivered at the Conference on Poland for Teachers, held at the University of Liverpool on September 25-26, 1943 / 1
- Uniuersał JKM do Aeconomiey WXL b. d. 1
- Uniuersał ziazdu kolskiego 1607 1
- Uniuersał ziazdu pod Lwowem senatorom y wszystkiego rycerstwa 1607 1
- Uniuersał ziazdu sendomirskiego 1607 1
- Unius et Trini Dei auxilio 1
- Univeralhistorie alter, mittler und neuer Zeiten. Aus dem Franz~:osischen. Mit Zus~:atzen [...] von Wilhelm Ernst Christiani [...]. 1
- Univers 3
- Univers la philosophie de la nature au XV e siecle en Europe / 1
- univers morbide de la faute / 1
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