- Wełpa B. 1
- Welper Eberhard 1
- Wels, Andreas uczeń gimnazjum gdańskiego 1
- Welsch, Gottfried 1
- Welsch, Gottfried chirurg 1
- Welschinger, Henri (1846-1919). 9
- Welschinger, M. Henri. 1
- Welser Markus 1
- Welser, Johann burmistrz Norymbergi (1534-1601) 1
- Welser, Marcus (1558-1614) 3
- Welsford Cowell John zob. Cowell, John Welsford 1
- Welsh Colin The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post 20 w. 1
- Welskopf E.Ch. 1
- Welte, Benedikt (1805-1885). 42
- Welte, Bernhard. 2
- Welten, Joost (1963- ). 1
- Welter, Gustave (1877-19..). 1
- Weltfish G. 1
- Welti, Manfred Edwin (1936- ). 1
- Weltzien, Louis von. 1
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