- Who's who What's what in "Solidarność" : 1
- Whole 1
- whole Art of chess and draughts. 1
- whole Book of Psalmes: Collected into English Meeter by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others [...]. 1
- whole Book of Psalms: collected into English meeter by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins and others [...]. 1
- Whole book of Psalms: collected into English metre by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and others [...]. 1
- Whole life with the Bible : Aleksy Klawek (1890-1969). 1
- Whom the gods love 1
- Why "WE" Are In Vietnam. An open letter to the majority leader of The U[nited] S[tates] Senate 1
- Why Friends (Quakers) do not baptize with water / 1
- Why societies need dissent 1
- Why the Eastern Question cannot be satisfactorily settled: or reflexions on the respective genius and missions of Poland and France / 1
- Why the Germans lose at war 1
- Why we can't wait 1
- Why we were in Vietnam. 1
- Why were the Gospels written? 1
- Wiad. dot. 1
- wiadmość pewna na opaczne nowin płonnych udanie. Roku 1627. 1
- Wiadoma niebu widoma światu doznana w Rzeczypospolitey nieszczęśliwości impreza krotko opisana y manifestem publicznym ogłoszona w Gdańsku [...] 1734 1
- Wiadoma światu ta sławna Olszyna ... : 180. rocznica bitwy pod Grochowem 1831-2011 / 1
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