- World of Parmenides : essays on the presocratic enlightenment 1
- World of Slavs = Świat Słowian / 1
- World of the Ainu through the eyes of Bronisław Piłsudski : Kunstkamera collections 1
- World of the Romans 1
- World of thought in ancient China, 1
- world of waters, or, recreations in hydrology / 1
- World of wonders 1
- World on a Mercator's Projection 1
- World on a Polar Projection 1
- World on Lambert's polar projection ; Northen hemisphere ; Southern hemisphere 1
- World on paper. The conceptual and cognitive implications of writing and reading 1
- World on the Equatorial Projection 1
- World outlook and artistic method in literature 1
- World politics debated : a reader in contemporary issues / 1
- World Postage Stamp Exhibition : Polska 73 1
- World Prehistory and Natural Science : A. J. C. Jacobsen Memorial Lecture / 1
- World Problems in the classroom : a teacher's guide to some United Nations tasks / 1
- World religions 1
- World restored : Metternich, Castlereagh and the problems of peace 1812-1822, 1
- World we bade no farewell : Jews in the eastern territories of the Polish Republic from 18th to 20th century 1
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