- World cultures on dialogue 1
- World Distribution of Polish Foreign Trade in 1938 + objaśnienia 1
- World drama : from Aeschylus to Anouilh 1
- World guide to library schools and training courses in documentation 1
- World history / 1
- World history 1815-1920 / 1
- World in hemispheres. With tables of the heights of mountains, towns and c. and lengths of rivers over the globe 1
- World index of Polish periodical published outside of Poland since September 1939. 1
- World index of Polish periodicals published outside of Poland since September 1939 1
- World index of Polish periodicals Published outside of Poland since September 1939 1
- World index of Polish Periodicals Published Outside of Poland Since September 1939 1
- World list of social science periodicals 1
- World map. 1
- World of antiquity, its Polish researchers and the cult of the ruler. 1
- World of ceramics / 1
- World of Chess. By [...]. Special Photography by Norman Snyder. 2
- World of Copernicus through the lens of the collection of the Nicolaus Copernicus Museum in Frombork 1
- World of late antiquity, 1
- World of nature according to Carl von Linne (1707-1778) : the 300th anniversary of the scolar's birth : catalogue of the exhibition - October 2007. 1
- World of Parmenides : essays on the presocratic enlightenment 1
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