- Early tertiary Apheliscus [...] 1
- Early white influence upon Plains Indian [...] 1
- East European Literary Borderlands 1
- Eastern affairs. Work with historical memory. Borderlands 1
- Ecce poeta! 1
- Ecclesia - Cultura - Potestas. Studia z dziejów kultury i społeczeństwa ofiarowane Siostrze Profesor Urszuli Borkowskiej. Cz. 2. 1
- Ecclesia lincopensis 1
- Ecclesia, monasteria, privilegia... Studia z dziejów Kościoła w średniowiecznej Polsce 1
- Ecclesiastica w Rosyjskim Państwowym Archiwum Historycznym w Sankt Petersburgu 1
- Echa rzymskie i włoskie w "Silviludia" Sarbiewskiego 1
- echinoderms as aberrant arthropods ... 1
- Echinoderms from the Pearl Islands, Bay of Panama, with a revision of the Pacific species of the genus Encore [...] 1
- Echinoids from the Middle Eocene Lake City Formation of Georgia 1
- Echinold distribution and habits, Key Largo Coral reef Preserve, Florida 1
- Echo de la revolution polonaise de 1863 en Bohême 1
- eclogites et leur genèse au cours du metamorphisme regional 1
- Ecole de Paris 1
- Ecologically Oriented Education of Physical Planners and Architects [...] 1
- Economic Crime 1
- Economic papers 8 1
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