- pater : drame [...] / 1
- Pater Noster 1
- Pater Petrus de Neapoli [...] minores Polonos cito destruent [...] 1
- Pater Stanisław Stojałowski und seine sozial-politische Tätigkeit 1
- Paterna faelicitas [...] Andreae Wolfowic [...] dum [...] filius suus Martinus Stanislaus Wolfowicz artium magister et philosophiae doctor [...] renunciaretur. (A Joanne Grynwaldt [...] reverenter oblata anno [...] 1638 [...] aprili die 17). 1
- Paterna sollicitudo ac cura regalis vitae Joannis III circa conservationem Poloniarum Regni 1
- Paternae exhortationis [...] 1
- Path of biblical theology 1
- Path to Heaven : a complete collection of all the public and private devotions in general use comprising the authorised prayers for the different confraternites ; Novenas, Litanies, and Hymns for the whole of the Year ; a large number of devotions translated from various languages and never before published in an accessible form ; to which are added The Epistles and Gospels and the most copious collection of hymns hitherto brought together in one book. 1
- Path to World Peace from hardship to realization / 1
- Pathfinder. 1
- Pathfinders : a global history of exploration 1
- Pathologie des poissons traite des maladies des monstruosites et des anomalies des oeufs et des embryons / 1
- Pathologie und 1
- Pathologisch-anatomische Veränderungen bei schweren Paratyphus B-Fällen. / 1
- Pathologische Untersuchungen / 1
- Paths of culture. 1
- Patience dans les maux de la vie. 1
- Patient desperujący 1
- Patkul's Tod 1
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