- plausus laudativus omni virtutum genere, et doctrinae praestantia [...] Stanislao Łubinski [...] a Matth: Chrysostomo Buczkowski [...]. 1
- plausus laudativus omni virtutum genere, et doctrinae praestantia [...] Stanislao Łubinski, abbati Tinecensi, recens inaugurato, S. R. M. secretario, authoritate et prudentia per quam ornatissimo: a Matth: Chrysostomo Buczkowski [...] ipso die faustissimi ingressus, gratulanti animo factus dicatus~'que honoris et venerationis erg~1o [...]. 1
- Plausus Sarmaticus: in adventu Crac: [...] Renatae Caecilię [...] Vladislai IV. sponsae. Debit~1a et officios~1a veneratione oblatus per [...] Christopharum Alexandrum Rozdrazewski [...]. 1
- Plausus solennitatis Memorabilis S. Joannis Nepomuceni, [...], 1
- Plauti 1
- Plautinarum explanationum libri IV. In quibus praeter Plautum, multa veterum scriptorum loca, Poetarum inprimis, varie corriguntur, [...]. 1
- Plautus Titius Maccius Komedie 1
- Playing Chess. Based on the ATV Series "Checkmate". 1
- plays / 1
- plays and poems of William Shakespeare accurately printed from the text of the corrected copies, left by the late Samuel Johnson, George Steevens, Isaac Reed, and Edmond Malone / 1
- Plays two 1
- Plaża Falesy : (na podstawie Roberta Louisa Stevensona) / 1
- Pleasant hours with the Chess Board [...]. 1
- pleasaunt and [...] play [...]. 1
- Pleasure seekers 1
- Pleban z Wakefieldu / 1
- Pleban żniński Jan w świetle własnych zeznań na procesie warszawskim w roku 1339 1
- Plebani archidiakonatu pomorskiego w XVIII wieku : studium prozopograficzne / 1
- plebiscite des Cent-Jours (Avril-Mai 1815) / 1
- Plebiscyt górnośląski 20 marca 1921 roku : najbardziej demokratyczna forma wyboru? / 1
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