- Three dialogues between Hylas and Philonous (pol.) 2
- Three experiments of living : living within the means, living up to the means, living beyond the means / [by Hannah F. lee]. To which is added, Elinor Fulton. 1
- Three hundred years of American painting / 1
- Three loves 1
- Three men in a boat, to say nothing of the dog 1
- Three men on the bummel / 1
- Three philosophers 1
- Three pillare of Zen : teaching, practice and enlightenment 1
- Three short polish poems on the last war with Russia 1
- Three unpublished letters by George Sand and Their contribution to Chopin scholarship / 1
- three week's war in Poland / 1
- Thren Krolowi Michałowi od Dworzanina Napisany 1
- Thren smutku y załosci, 1
- Thren żałobny na pogrzeb [...] Jakuba Naymanowica [...] ktory obiit 23. novembris. anno [...] 1641 [...] wydany przez Thomasza Kalinskiego [...]. 1
- Thrènes de Jean Kochanowski poète polonais du XVI siècle (1530-1584) sur la mort de sa fille / 1
- Threni 1
- Threni in obitum Nobilis et Generosi adolescentis Nicolai Szymanowski, studiosi philosophiae in Academia Vilnensi Societatis Iesu a iuventute eiusdem Academiae scripti. 1
- Threni Jeremiae. 1
- Threni Petri Clementis R. super Ilusstrissimo Principe ac Domino, D. Ernesto Ludovico, Duce Stettinensium [...] die 17. Iunij hora 7. v. Anni 1592. pie & placide ex [...] valle Threnorum ad coelestis patriae Thronum avocato, & 19. Iulij terrae visceribus Wolgasti Pomeranorum reddito, fusi. 1
- Threnodia qua deplorantur miseriae tempore grassantis pestis Dantisci quaeq[ue] continet graudissimas querelas Dei de populi impetate, qua eiusmodi miseriae attrahuntur. C[m]opsita in inclyti Senatus Dontiscani Gymnasio Annno 1564. Mensibus Iulij et Augusti, / 1
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