present state of Russia, in a letter to a friend at London; written by an eminent person refiding at the Great Tzars court at Mosco for the space of nine years. Illustrated with many copper plates [...].

Pobierz opis bibliograficzny


  • Sygnatura : 12002
  • Tytuł : present state of Russia, in a letter to a friend at London; written by an eminent person refiding at the Great Tzars court at Mosco for the space of nine years. Illustrated with many copper plates [...].
  • Adres wydawniczy: London Printed by J. Winter for D. Newman 1671
  • Miejsce wydania: London
  • Wydawca/drukarz: Winter John Newman Dorman
  • Opis fizyczny : [22],141,[10 s., tabl. 3 8°
  • Proweniencja :
    • Ze zbiorów Tytusa Działyńskiego
    • "Constantin Zamoyski" - [rkps]
  • Katalogi : Kat. Bryt.


  • 001 a Kórnik
  • 130 a Present, The
  • 245 a The ||present state of Russia, in a letter to a friend at London; written by an eminent person refiding at the Great Tzars court at Mosco for the space of nine years. Illustrated with many copper plates [...].
  • 260 a London b Printed by J. Winter for D. Newman c 1671 k Anglia m London w Winter John w Newman Dorman
  • 300 a [22],141,[10 s., tabl. 3 c
  • 510 a Kat. Bryt.
  • 541 c st. zas.
  • 561 a Ze zbiorów Tytusa Działyńskiego d Kielis. 7037 w Działyński Tytus
  • 561 a "Constantin Zamoyski" - [rkps] w Zamoyski Konstanty
  • 852 j 12002