The peerage, baronetage of the British Empire as at present existing : arranged and printed from the personal communications of the nobility : under the gracious patronage of the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty /

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  • Autor : LODGE, Edmund.
  • Tytuł : The peerage, baronetage of the British Empire as at present existing : arranged and printed from the personal communications of the nobility : under the gracious patronage of the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty / by Edmund Lodge.
  • Adres wydawniczy: London : Hurst and Blackett, 1888.
  • Opis fizyczny: LXIV, 943 s. : il. 25 cm.
  • Język : eng
  • Temat:
    • Arystokracja Wielka Brytania
    • Herbarze 19 w. Wielka Brytania
    • Heraldyka Wielka Brytania
    • Genealogia Wielka Brytania.


  • 001 a BK
  • 008 a 2012
  • 041
    a eng
  • 100
    a LODGE, Edmund.
  • 245
    a The |peerage, baronetage of the British Empire as at present existing : b arranged and printed from the personal communications of the nobility : under the gracious patronage of the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty / c by Edmund Lodge.
  • 250 a 57 ed. revised and enlarged
  • 260 a London : b Hurst and Blackett, c 1888.
  • 300 a LXIV, 943 s. : b il. c 25 cm.
  • 500 a Zakup sfinansowany przez Fundację "Zakłady Kórnickie" [nakl.].
  • 504 a Indeksy.
  • 650
    a Arystokracja z Wielka Brytania
  • 650
    a Herbarze y 19 w. z Wielka Brytania
  • 650
    a Heraldyka z Wielka Brytania
  • 650
    a Genealogia z Wielka Brytania.
  • 999 a JS d 20.12.31

Dublin Core


  • Sygnatura: 2101088