Wyniki wyszukiwania
Sorgho and imphee, the Chinese and African sugar canes a treatise upon their origin, varieties and culture : their value as a forage crop and the manufacture of sugar, syrup, alcohol, wines, beer, cider, vinegar, starch and dyestuffs ; with a paper by Leonard Wray, esq., of caffraria, and a de cription of his patented process for crystallizing the juice of the imphee. to which ar added, copious translations of valuable french pamplets /
- Katalog: Nowe Druki
- Autor: Olcott, Henry Steel.
- Adres wydawniczy: New York : A. O. Moore, 1858.
- Temat: Cukier technologia 19 w.
Suplement to the sorgho and imphee /
- Katalog: Nowe Druki
- Autor: Olcott, Henry Steel
- Adres wydawniczy: New York : A. O. Moore, 1858.
- Temat: Cukier technologia 19 w.
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