To her most gracious majesty Queen Victoria, and the Allied Armies of France and England this Military topographical map of the Krima Peninsula =

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  • Sygnatura: A II 202
  • Współautor:
    • Schubert red. mapy
    • Muchin gen.-major
    • Jervis, Thomas Best
    • Hommaire de Hell, Xavier (1812-1848) geograf
  • Tytuł: To her most gracious majesty Queen Victoria, and the Allied Armies of France and England this Military topographical map of the Krima Peninsula = Vojennaja topografičeskaja karta poluostrova Kryma, sostavlennaja [...] / constructed and founded on the most recent astronomical observations, verified, and completed from authentic military surveys of the staff of His Imperial Majesty's Quarter Master General's Department ; by Major General Mukhin, in the year 1816; by express command of Governor General & Aid de Camp Prince Volkonski 2nd during his administration of that country, is by Her Majestys permissione inscribed by her very devoted, and faithful servant, Thomas Best Jervis, F. R. S. Lieut. Colonell of Engineers, E. I. Service ; the original map was engraved and printed at the Military Topographical Depôt Attached to the Etat - Major or Staff of His Imperial Majesty in the year 1817, corrected to 1855 from General Schuberts Official Map, Co. ; Lith. Soc. St. Andrew's Soc. Ethnogr. de Paris.
  • Strefa wydania: London The Military Topographical Depôt. 1855
  • Skala: 1:160 000
  • Opis fizyczny: litogr. kolor., podkl. na płótnie 3 ark. 132,3x95,7 cm i mn. złoż. w futerale 16,5x23,5 cm
  • Zawartość:
    • East Division sekcje 4-6, 9-19, Mapka dodatkowa: Geological map of the Krima or Crimea, according to the observations of Hommaire de Hell, skala ca 1:333 333 ark. 3.
    • West Division sekcje 1-2 i 6-7 ark. 1.
    • Central sekcje 3 i 8 ark. 2.
  • Hasła przedmiotowe: Krym 1855 mapa
  • Uwagi:
    • Na tylnym panelu ark. 2 "Miscellaneous useful Information connected with the present Seat of War, and the Powers and States engaged therein".
    • Tyt. z mapy.
    • Na przednich panelach arkuszy miniatury poszczególnych części.
    • Na tylnym panelu ark. 1 "Organization of the Military and Naval Forces of Russia, collected and arranged from the best Official Data".
    • Na tylnym panelu ark. 3 "A General Account of the Extent of the Russian Empire, its Population, Distribution, and Classification by Religious Denominations. From the latest Official Documents, 1853, by Professor Struve, General Schubert, Mr. Reden, and Dr. Koeppen".


  • 130 a Krym d 1855 k mapa
  • 245 a To her most gracious majesty Queen Victoria, and the Allied Armies of France and England this Military topographical map of the Krima Peninsula = b Vojennaja topografičeskaja karta poluostrova Kryma, sostavlennaja [...] / c constructed and founded on the most recent astronomical observations, verified, and completed from authentic military surveys of the staff of His Imperial Majesty's Quarter Master General's Department ; by Major General Mukhin, in the year 1816; by express command of Governor General & Aid de Camp Prince Volkonski 2nd during his administration of that country, is by Her Majestys permissione inscribed by her very devoted, and faithful servant, Thomas Best Jervis, F. R. S. Lieut. Colonell of Engineers, E. I. Service ; the original map was engraved and printed at the Military Topographical Depôt Attached to the Etat - Major or Staff of His Imperial Majesty in the year 1817, corrected to 1855 from General Schuberts Official Map, Co. ; Lith. Soc. St. Andrew's Soc. Ethnogr. de Paris.
  • 246 a The Crimea i Tyt. z futerału:
  • 246 a Vojennaja topografičeskaja karta poluostrova Kryma, sostavlennaja [...] po kvartirmjejsterskoj časti [...] Muchinym 1816 goda. [...] Gravirovana i piečatana v Vojennotopografičeskom Depo pri Glavnom Štabie [...] 1817 g. i Tyt. równoległy:
  • 255 a 1:160 000
  • 260 a London b The Military Topographical Depôt. c 1855 k Wielka Brytania m London w The ||Military Topographical Depôt.
  • 300 b litogr. kolor., podkl. na płótnie c 3 ark. c 132,3x95,7 cm i mn. złoż. w futerale 16,5x23,5 cm
  • 400 a de Hell, Xavier Hommaire zob. Hommaire de Hell, Xavier
  • 400 a Hell, Xavier Hommaire de zob. Hommaire de Hell, Xavier
  • 500 a Na tylnym panelu ark. 2 "Miscellaneous useful Information connected with the present Seat of War, and the Powers and States engaged therein".
  • 500 a Tyt. z mapy.
  • 500 a Na przednich panelach arkuszy miniatury poszczególnych części.
  • 500 a Na tylnym panelu ark. 1 "Organization of the Military and Naval Forces of Russia, collected and arranged from the best Official Data".
  • 500 a Na tylnym panelu ark. 3 "A General Account of the Extent of the Russian Empire, its Population, Distribution, and Classification by Religious Denominations. From the latest Official Documents, 1853, by Professor Struve, General Schubert, Mr. Reden, and Dr. Koeppen".
  • 505 a East Division sekcje 4-6, 9-19, Mapka dodatkowa: Geological map of the Krima or Crimea, according to the observations of Hommaire de Hell, skala ca 1:333 333 ark. 3.
  • 505 a West Division sekcje 1-2 i 6-7 ark. 1.
  • 505 a Central sekcje 3 i 8 ark. 2.
  • 541 c st. zas.
  • 546 a Ang.
  • 561 d KDubl. 0245
  • 700 a Schubert e red. mapy
  • 700 a Muchin gen.-major
  • 700 a Jervis, Thomas Best
  • 700 a Hommaire de Hell, Xavier c (1812-1848) d geograf
  • 740 a Geological map of the Krima or Crimea, according to the observations of Hommaire de Hell
  • 740 a Miscellaneous useful Information connected with the present Seat of War, and the Powers and States engaged therein
  • 740 a A |General Account of the Extent of the Russian Empire, its Population, Distribution, and Classification by Religious Denominations. From the latest Official Documents, 1853, by Professor Struve, General Schubert, Mr. Reden, and Dr. Koeppen
  • 752 a Organization of the Military and Naval Forces of Russia, collected and arranged from the best Official Data
  • 852 j A II 202
  • 999 a AF d 17.09.06